Fees for the Division of Oil & Gas Services (11 AAC 05), effective 12/26/2019
Application, Petition, or Other Service | Fee |
Other, or General, Land Management Not Established Elsewhere (11 AAC 05.160) | |
Filing an Administrative Appeal or Request for Reconsideration | $250 |
Products, Services, Publications, and Filings Not Mentioned Elsewhere (11 AAC 05.030) | |
Late Payment Service Charge | $50 |
Returned Check fee | $50 |
Staff time for Research | $50/hr. |
Digital Copy Fee of a Public Record | $.03 each standard screen page, plus cost of storage medium (if any). A fee is waived if fees result in an aggregate cost of $5 or less. |
Applications for Surface Use Authorizations, Petitions, or Other Services Related to Easements and ROWs (11 AAC 05.070) | |
Public or Private Easement |
For a total of no more than one acre in area, $600;
For a total greater than one acre in area, $1,500 for up to 60 hours of staff time.
Amendment of Public or Private Easement or ROW |
Amendment to public or private easement, ROW, or development plan that authorizes use of additional state land or resources, and the existing easement or ROW is for a total of no more than one acre in area, $600;
Amendment to public or private easement, ROW, or development plan that authorizes use of additional state land or resources, and the existing easement or ROW is for a total greater than one acre in area, $1,500;
Amendment of public or private easement, ROW, or development plan that does not authorize use of additional state land or resources, $300.
Public or Private Easement or ROW for Unauthorized Uses Installed Prior to January 1, 2018 | In addition to other applicable fees, $500 |
Assignment of Public or Private Easement or ROW | $500 |
Develop Improvements within or Research Existence of Existing Public or Private Easement or ROW | $250 |
Public or Private Easement or ROW for Erosion Control Purposes |
For a total of no more than one acre in area, $1,500;
For a total greater than one acre in area, $5,000.
Public Easement or ROW for Erosion Control Purposes by a State, Federal, or Municipal Agency | $5,000 |
Petition to Vacate or Modify an Easement or ROW, Including an RS 2477 | $2,500 |
Close or Restrict Existing Public Easement or ROW Including an RS 2477 |
For no more than 6 months, $500;
For more than 6 months, $2,500
Pipeline ROW |
For a proposed pipeline of less than 50 miles $2,000;
For a proposed pipeline of 50 miles or more, $5,000
Surface Land Use Related to Easements and ROWs | |
Private Easement or ROW for Non-Exclusive use. | $600 annually, plus $300 annually for each acre above two. |
Public Easement or ROW Other than for a Utility | One-time fee of $150 each acre, unless otherwise provided in a reciprocal ROW agreement. |
Closure or Restriction of a Public Access Easement or ROW |
For not more than 6 months, $125 each mile monthly;
For more than 6 months, $750 each mile annually.
Entry Authorization for an Approved Easement or ROW for Site Development | $300 annually, plus $150 annually for each acre above two. |
Application for an Oil and Gas, Gas Only, Gas Storage, or Geothermal Authorization (11 AAC 05.110) | |
Geothermal Prospecting Permit | $200 |
Conversion of Geothermal Prospecting Permit to Lease | $200 |
Assignment of Geothermal Prospecting Permit or Lease | $450 |
Formation of Unit or Cook Inlet Discovery Royalty | $10,000 |
Amendment or Expansion of Unit Agreement | $1,500 |
Plan of Operations on Leased Land | $750 each application |
Amendment of a Plan of Operations on Leased Lands | $250 |
General Permit (GP) Amendment of a Plan of Operations on Leased Lands | $250 |
Miscellaneous Land Use Permit (MLUP) | $500 |
Land Use Permit for Exploration on Unleased Land | $500 |
Rental and Royalty Relief or Reduction | $500 |
Suspension of Production or Operations | $500 |
Oil and Gas or Gas Only Storage Lease | $500 |
Modification of Work Commitment | $150 |
Transfer of an interest in an oil and gas or gas only Lease, Oil and Gas or Gas Only Exploration License, Geothermal Prospecting Permit or Lease, or Gas Storage Lease, Including Initial Separation of and Overriding Royalty Interest and Working Interest |
Extension of an Oil and Gas or Gas Only Lease | $2,000 |
Lease Applications
Assignment Applications
Important! Effective 12/26/2019 a $250 filing fee is required for each lease assignment. Contact the Division if you have any questions.
- Assignment of Working Interest or Initial Separation of Overriding Royalty Interest
- Assignment of Secondary Overriding Royalty Interest
Exploration License Applications
One-Time Lease Extensions
Download the One-Time Lease Extension Application Packet
Use the One-Time Extension Application to apply for a one-time lease extension under AS 38.05.180(m). The forms are available above for download in PDF or MS Word format.
Qualification Forms
Business Qualification Form and FAQ
Use this document to apply for and update the qualification information of a business entity; including contact information and authorized signors
Individual Qualification Form and FAQ
Use this form to apply for and update an individual qualification; including those who have reached the age of majority or a legal guardian, trustee, or other legal representative of a qualified individual
Well Data Submittal Requirements
Permit Applications
850 Easement Application Packet
Lease Plan of Operations Application Packet
- Lease Plan of Operation Application
- Lease Plan of Operation Guidance Document
- Mitigation Measure Analysis
- Supplemental Sections
Lease Plan of Operations Amendment Application Packet
Miscellaneous Land Use Permit Application Forms for Geophysical Exploration
- Miscellaneous Land Use Permit Geophysical Exploration Application Packet
- Geophysical Data Submission Requirements
- Geophysical Activity Completion Report Form Instructions
- Geophysical Activity Completion Report
- Geophysical Processing Completion Report Instructions
- Geophysical Processing Completion Report
Other Permitting Forms
Unit Plan of Operations Application Packet
- Unit Plan of Operations Application
- Unit Plan of Operations Guidance Document
- Mitigation Measure Analysis
- Supplemental Sections