Leasing Data

This report is not an official record and is for informational purposes only.

The Lease Administration Monthly Report lists leases which have had changes to their ownership (assignments), to their participation in a unit, or to their status (issued or closed) during a particular month. It includes the lease ADL number, sale area of the lease, unit (if applicable), and the decision and effective dates of the change.

Please select month you want to view the report for from the dropdown list.

  • Lease Status (PDF): ADL, MTR, sale, bid/acre, sale date, effective and expiration dates, status, Unit, and notification lesseee
  • Lease Status (Excel): ADL, MTR, sale, bid/acre, sale date, effective and expiration dates, status, Unit, and notification lesseee

Division of Oil and Gas, Oil & Gas Lease Data Extract Disclaimer

The State of Alaska adheres to a policy of free exchange of information, including electronic media. In making information available to the public, the State does not necessarily endorse all the information or warrant its accuracy.

Lease information is provided for management and research use only and is not an official record. The Division of Oil & Gas lease and unit files remain the official record. Oil & gas lease data is extracted weekly (Monday a.m.), from the State's Land Administration System (LAS).

The use of this data constitutes acknowledgment of this disclaimer.

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Royalty Data

May 2024 Oil Production 14.282 million barrels
Fiscal YTD Oil Production 153.558 million barrels
May 2024 Gas Production 33,603.849 MMcf*
Fiscal YTD Gas Production 347,247.311 MMcf*
Distribution Areas June2024 May2024 Year to Date
Year to Date
General Fund $ 85,192,505 $ 104,093,267 $ 1,057,365,601 $ 472,683,798
School Fund $ 617,029 $ 762,986 $ 7,729,674 $ 3,435,444
School Fund Escrow $ - $ - $ - $ -
Permanent Fund $ 37,666,626 $ 47,912,195 $ 482,046,458 $ 210,508,706
Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund $ - $ - $ 1,479,346 $ 1,479,346
Total Funds Distributed $ 123,476,160 $ 152,768,447 $ 1,548,621,079 $ 688,107,294
Revenue Type June2024 May2024 Year to Date
Year to Date
Rents & Bonus Bids $ 2,223,500 $ 1,681,741 $ 16,960,819 $ 6,478,238
Net Profit Share Leases $ 7,019,108 $ 7,358,452 $ 79,183,595 $ 27,816,151
Royalty $ 124,894,621 $ 142,715,642 $ 1,448,277,926 $ 660,167,210
Federally Shared Royalty $ (10,653,471) $ 1,010,362 $ (1,190,504) $ (6,953,668)
Interest $ (7,598) $ 2,250 $ 5,389,243 $ 599,362
Total Funds Received $ 123,476,160 $ 152,768,447 $ 1,548,621,079 $ 688,107,294

Royalty Oil Volumes from State and Federal Leases

Oil (MMbls) May 2024 April 2024 Fiscal Calendar
North Slope - RIV 1.168 0.447 10.495 5.439
Cook Inlet - RIV 0.020 0.020 0.215 0.100
North Slope - RIK 0.571 1.267 8.095 3.262
North Slope 14.017 1.738 13.820 1.715 150.654 18.590 69.920 8.701
Cook Inlet 0.265 0.020 0.267 0.020 2.904 0.215 1.341 0.100
Total Volume - Oil 14.282 1.759 14.087 1.735 153.558 18.805 71.261 8.801
MMbls : Million Barrels
MMcf : Million Cubic Feet
RIK: Royalty-in-Kind
RIV: Royalty-in-Value
S/FG : State / Federal Gross
SR : State's Royalty

Royalty Gas Volumes from State and Federal Leases

Gas (MMcf) May 2024 April 2024 Fiscal Calendar
North Slope 27,280.007 286.589 26,261.562 272.761 277,925.170 2,783.530 136,034.384 1,370.719
Cook Inlet 6,323.842 435.440 6,067.852 423.220 69,322.141 4,899.494 32,709.373 2,226.504
Total Volume - Gas 33,603.849 722.029 32,329.414 695.981 347,247.311 7,683.024 168,743.757 3,597.223
Summary information on royalty values and volumes for the current year is updated monthly.

Information related to royalty and NPSL report filing including forms, royalty accounting contact information and filing is located at Royalty Reporting Instructions page.

Volumes and Weighted Average Royalty Value Reports

Information on volumes and royalty values by area and product is available by accessing the reports below. The reports reflect the most current information on volumes and values as reported by lessees. This information is subject to revision as lease owners file reports that amend royalty value. These reports present information for the seventy two production months prior to the run date. If prior year information is needed, you can contact the Division of Oil and Gas, Royalty Section.


Annual Royalty Volumes and Dollars Reports

Information on volumes and total royalty due from lessees by unit is available by accessing the reports below. The reports reflect the most current information on volumes and values as reported by lessees. This information is subject to revision as lease owners file reports that amend royalty value. These reports present information for the six calendar years of production months prior to the run date and reflect the royalty due for that time period, not necessarily the year that the royalty was actually received. The total value received does not reflect the monies received from the sale of the State's royalty taken in kind.


After Deduction for Field Costs

Royalty Oil per Barrel Production
May 2024
April 2024
Year to Date
Year to Date
North Slope - RIV $75.18 $79.87 $74.33 $73.27
Cook Inlet - RIV $68.81 $74.15 $70.39 $69.96
North Slope - RIK $77.42 $80.20 $77.81 $76.65
Weighted Average Value - Oil / Barrel $75.83 $80.05 $75.78 $74.49

MMbls : Million Barrels
Mcf : 1000 Cubic Feet
RIK: Royalty-in-Kind
RIV: Royalty-in-Value
Fiscal Year: July 1 through June 30

Royalty Gas per Mcf Production
May 2024
April 2024
Year to Date
Year to Date
North Slope $3.96 $4.14 $3.99 $3.92
Cook Inlet $8.18 $8.19 $7.96 $7.99
Weighted Average Value - Gas / Mcf $6.51 $6.60 $6.52 $6.44

The weighted average royalty value is calculated as the sum of the products of royalty value and royalty volume, received by the state for each producer, divided by the total royalty volume.